
Coding for Economists

This course teaches how to organize data and code on your computer, how to write simple programs in Python to automate tasks, and how to use Stata throughout the steps of the your research process.

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Coding for Economists


Discovering Discrimination with Data
  • ceu

Discovering Discrimination with Data

This course is an immersive simulation game using the statistical concepts learned earlier to argue about patterns of gender discrimination in the workplace. The focus is on interpreting and communicating data analysis results rather than performing statistical calculations. Various assignments, including readings, essays, and presentations, reinforce the learned concepts.

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Empirical Research Seminar
  • ceu

Empirical Research Seminar

This course guides you through the process of empirical research in applied microeconomics, from selecting research ideas and appropriate methods, through collecting data, to submitting your final paper to a journal. We won't talk about these steps, we will do these steps together. Each student and instructor completes a paper during the two terms of the course, which they submit at the end of the course to peer-reviewed journals.

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Advanced Macroeconomics
  • ceu

Advanced Macroeconomics

The course introduces two building blocks of macroeconomic modeling: forward-looking dynamic models and general equilibrium with heterogeneous agents. These tools are applied to problems of economic growth, labor market search, and industry dynamics. Quantitative model solutions are also illustrated using the Julia programming language.

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Reproducible Research from Day One
  • dataeditor

Reproducible Research from Day One


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Engineering and Analytics
  • ceu

Engineering and Analytics

Data engineering is increasingly important to leverage the value created by data scientists and analysts. Executives who understand the basics of data engineering can help their team create data products that are easy to change in response to ever changing business requirements. This course offers a high-level overview of the types of decisions data engineers have to make, and a hands-on illustration of the most common problems on real-world data. The key goal of this course is to help executives make decisions about the data analytics efforts of their business and ask the right questions from their team. This will help increase the Return On Investment of analytics projects so that data can serve as a competitive advantage of the business.

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Coding for Economists
  • ceu

Coding for Economists

This course teaches how to organize data and code on your computer, how to write simple programs in Python to automate tasks, and how to use Stata throughout the steps of the your research process.

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Introduction to the Command Line for Economics
  • carpentries

Introduction to the Command Line for Economics

This lesson will introduce learners to fundamental skills needed for working with their computers through a command-line interface (using the bash shell). They will learn how to navigate their file system, computationally manipulate their files (e.g. copying, moving, renaming), search files, redirect output and write shell scripts. By the end of the lesson, learners will be prepared to move on to using more advanced command line tools.

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Economics with Stata
  • carpentries

Economics with Stata


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International Trade
  • missing

International Trade

The course examines alternative theories of the causes of international trade and its impact on national economies (welfare, productivity, income inequality). It evaluates these theories in light of recent empirical evidence.

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Upcoming events

Join conference talks, workshops, and other events.

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When dispersed teams are more successful: Theory and evidence from software




  • software
  • conference

When dispersed teams are more successful: Theory and evidence from software

Conference of the Urban Economics Association

Berlin, Germany

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Meeting of the IMPULZ evaluation committee




  • impulz

Meeting of the IMPULZ evaluation committee

Meeting of the IMPULZ evaluation committee

Bratislava, Slovakia

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Can economic growth continue indefinitely on a finite planet?




Can economic growth continue indefinitely on a finite planet?

Faculty debate about degrowth

Vienna, Austria

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Download software

Software tools for research and data analysis.

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using Targets

add(x, y) = x + y

@target a = 1
@target b = 2
@target c = add(a, b)

@get c
  • julia


Computational pipeline management for Julia

using Kezdi
@use "distances.dta"
@replace distance = 5 @if distance < 5
  • julia


A data analysis package for economists

xt2treatments y, treatment(treatmentB) control(treatmentA) pre(1) post(3) weighting(equal)
  • stata


event studies with two treatments

xthdidregress ra (y) (d), group(i)
eventbaseline, pre(5) post(5) baseline(-1) graph
  • stata


Correct Event Study After `xthdidregress`

import delimited "${here}/data/raw/bls/employment.csv"
  • stata


A simpler way to find your files.


Browse datasets

BusinessGraph Restricted use

10M+ records
  • individuals
  • businesses
  • managers
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Who is Who Magyarországon Restricted use

10k+ records
  • individuals
  • managers
  • biography
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Browse publications

Communist Era Managers in Modern Times: A Comparison of Management Skills Across Generations

Kiss Gergely Attila és Koren Miklós. 2024. "Communist Era Managers in Modern Times: A Comparison of Management Skills Across Generations." Work in progress.

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The Value of International Experience: Managerial Talent and Firm Performance in Post-Communist Hungary

de Pirro, Amanda, Koren Miklós és Laki Mihály. 2024. "The Value of International Experience: Managerial Talent and Firm Performance in Post-Communist Hungary." Work in progress.

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Kis- és középvállalkozások Magyarországon, 1988-2022

Koren Miklós, Szilágyi Bálint és Vereckei András. 2024. "Kis- és középvállalkozások Magyarországon, 1988-2022." Work in progress.

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